✈ Voyage au Japon… ✈

I am leaving soon for a one month trip in Japan !

The plan is :

One week in Tokyo where I will learn more about Ji-ari making with shakuhachi master craftsman Takahashi Toyomi and take lessons with Mizuno Komei (headmaster of Chikumeisha branch). I will also visit specialized shops (such as Mejiro) and maybe meet some lacquer master…

Then three weeks in north Kyushu (I don’t like staying over a week in a big city !) where my mission will be harvesting Madake bamboo which is abundant there.
I will be back to the rural side of Japan that I loved so much during my bicycle trip in 2010 (already 9 years…!)

So if you were planning to buy one the shakuhachi currently instock, please do that before November the 7th (I will leave the 10th) or wait until mid-December…

New videos with Max Brumberg

Here are two new videos shot with my friend Max Brumberg flutemaker based in south-east France.

He got passionate about the antique Greek double reed Aulos and is part of the crazy few constituting the revival of this antique instrument…

Here is the meeting between Aulos and Shakuhachi :

And a solo where I play one of the shortest piece of the Honkyoku repertoire :
Ashi no Shirabe

Both of them played in the great acoustic of the Roman church of Fons a village near Figeac.